Polls show the Democratic Party is back in the red: blow to Schlein. And the center right is growing

Brothers of stable Italy and always the first party in the polls, the center right is rising and the Pd is falling, which is seeing the minus sign again. Dire-Tecnè’s latest political poll on voting trends marks a turning point. At least as far as the beneficial effect of the change in direction of the Democratic Party, now led by Elly Schlein, is concerned. FdI remains in first place with 29.7%, unchanged from the previous survey. The Democratic Party loses 0.2 points and drops to 19.8%. The M5S is still down, losing 0.1% to 15.4%. The League gains 0.1% and rises to 8.7%. Shot from Forza Italia that with +0.7% reaches 8.1%. Action-Italia Viva follows with 7.4% (+0.1%). The Alleanza Verdi Sinistra is at 3.1% (-0.1). More Europe is at 2.1% with (-0.2%). For Italy with comparison it drops to 1.6% (-0.1%). Others together are 4.1% (-0.2%).

54.7% of respondents say they have faith in the Prime Minister, but the number drops by 0.2%. Instead, the percentage of those who say they don’t trust Giorgia Meloni increases by 0.1%: the percentage is 40.2%. The «do not know» are 5.1% (+0.1%). The same goes for the government as a whole. 47.9% of respondents are confident (-0.2% compared to the previous week); 44.8% say they don’t have it (+0.1%). The percentage of “don’t know” is 7.3% (+0.1).

In the SWG poll released by Enrico Mentana during his broadcast on TgLa7 on April 10, Giorgia Meloni’s party fell 0.4% – from 29.7 to 29.3% – but the other two coalition parties: the Lega by Matteo Salvini rose from 8.4 to 8.8%, Forza Italia by Silvio Berlusconi rose from 0.3% to 6.5%.

Source: IL Tempo
