What’s going on inside the Third Pole?

It’s as if at some point Carlo Calenda decided that the federation between his Action and Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva should be done immediately, without further delay. As if demanding to do everything now, from one day to the next. Or never again. This is very reminiscent of the same impulse that set Calenda in motion during the election campaign when, after an ultimatum, Enrico Letta’s Democratic Party left the Democratic Party as soon as it set foot in the house of Bonelli and Fratoianni.

Now, according to his relatives, Calenda wants to join the federation at any cost because Matteo Renzi’s recent behavior has frightened him. The former minister fears his ally may linger while he waits to see if there is a better political project to jump on. Especially when Silvio Berlusconi is not doing well and Forza Italia is at risk of explosion. Therefore, today Deputy Prime Minister Antonio Tajani felt the need to explain that “Fi has no alternative center. Everyone, even some sinister birds, hoped that Fi would explode, others would explode, and Fi is always there, alive and looking good.” to the future”.

Rags fly between Renzi and Calenda: Is the Third Pole at the end of the line?

The Azione leader’s latest statements reveal this concern, namely that he no longer trusts Renzi, will refuse to commit to disbanding Italia viva when the new party is born, and will block every step forward. one party way. “I have the impression that he wants to block everything, delay every decision until the Europeans, and then we’ll see him waiting for the knight’s next move,” said Calenda. Unlike Renzi, we all work 25 hours a day at this party. I have a great relationship with Elena Bonetti, but our project can’t depend on a person who does something else 90% of the time and occasionally comes in and says, “no, we don’t do that, let’s do it together.” The leader of the action, take everything apart, the job is done,” he explains.

In short, Calenda’s dismay is that Renzi doesn’t want to take responsibility now to be free to focus on a more important project in the future. That’s why Calenda is trying to pin the Renzians to the wall: to lock down the federation. Considering that someone from Renzi’s side maliciously neglected to point out how the Italia Viva candidates outnumbered the Azione candidates in the last elections. So maybe someone is wondering: who benefits from federation?

Proposal and meeting late in the evening

That’s why Calenda is pressing and last night Action published a document on its social networks about the proposal to form a single party, which was sent only to Renzi but to the entire management team of Italia Viva. Italia Viva responded to this letter, underlining its willingness to attend the Third Pole Political Committee meeting convened by Carlo Calenda at 6:30 pm. The same Action leader was alarmed after the announcement of the board meeting: “Every two seconds, a more or less humiliating statement comes from a manager / parliamentarian of Italia Viva. I remember calmly having a meeting to discuss a very important matter at 6:30 pm. Let’s go there. Peace and goodness.” Now comes confirmation of the appointment from Iv.

Difficult relationship and mutual accusations

Behind the conflict is now a quarrelsome personal relationship. The personalities and characters of the two don’t help bring them closer. The problem is that there is no maximum trust between them, as the parliamentarians of both sides have confirmed. Calenda believes that Renzi is secretly trying to sabotage the union while pursuing his personal interests (from conferences for the Saudi regime to running the newspaper Il Riformista). On the other hand, the former prime minister accuses Calenda of being authoritarian while not being politically effective, as evidenced by the results of the last political, regional and administrative elections.

Finally, Matte Renzi also spoke. “I’m in the Zen phase. The Third Pole project is so important it’s not worth discussing. I think it is. Everything has already been decided, the timing has been decided”. Iv will disband because “when the congress is held, when the new party is born, the old ones disperse”. Will IV’e be a candidate in the congress? I promised to step aside and help from the outside. “I took a step back to get the project started,” confirmed the leader of Italia viva, a project that was “very lively and struggling with us.”

Source: Today IT
