Financial education reaches Italian schools. The Council of Ministers in fact launched the Competitiveness Law that inserts the subject in the teaching of civic education. The Ministry of Education and Merit will define the guidelines, in agreement with the Bank of Italy and Consob, and will involve associations representing banking and financial operators and users. The Minister of Education, Giuseppe Valditara, immediately underlined the importance of the initiative adopted by the government with a tweet: “With the Competitiveness Law, financial education will be studied in the context of Civic Education. Savings and investment will be fundamental for children’s growth”. .
It is, therefore, a topic that helps to strengthen students’ awareness of the world around them. There was no lack of reactions from the majority world either. Satisfaction was also expressed by the leader of Forza Italia in the Senate Budget Committee, Dario Damiani, who had already presented a specific bill in the last legislature. “The government’s initiative – he declares – recognizes the importance of financially empowering all students. Our children suffer from an economic-financial gap in relation to their European peers that needs to be bridged, and schooling will be the crucial support”. than ever in our country”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.