Appointments, Meloni smiles with agreement in the government: for Enel Scaroni-Cattaneo, Cingolani for Leonardo

After weeks of heated negotiations, and one step away from the deadline available, the majority of the Meloni government reached an agreement on the top management of the main state companies. In the package of nominations presented by the Mef after the close of the Stock Exchange, reference is made to the renewal of the governing bodies of Enel, Eni, Leonardo and Poste Italiane (only the Terna of the ‘big five’ is missing, which however refers to Cassa depositi e prestiti ). And the general picture traces the division of the boxes between the various souls of the executive, even though Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni underlines that the appointments “are the result of a careful assessment of competences and not of affiliations”. “It is an excellent result of the government’s teamwork”, he highlights before thanking “those who served Italy with passion in these companies, I wish the next administrators a good job. Their task is to achieve solid and lasting economic results in the interests of the nation they represent throughout the world”.

No surprises at Eni with Claudio Descalzi, who will still retain the role of Managing Director. On the other hand, his name was never discussed at Palazzo Chigi, while the General Commander of the Guardia di Finanza, Giuseppe Zafarana, is promoted to the presidency of the ‘six-legged dog’. A tandem that bears the signature of the prime minister, as well as that of Leonardo where, in the end, the former minister of ecological transition in the Draghi government, Roberto Cingolani, who will be CEO, wins. Instead, the president will be Stefano Pontecorvo.

More complicated than the others, hanging in the balance until the last minute, was the decision on Enel where Francesco Starace’s long season ends. Nothing to do with Stefano Donnarumma, former number one at Acea and currently at the head of Terna, who Meloni would like to ‘promote’ and who is now associated with ‘Cdp Venture Capital’, the fund controlled by Cdp (but according to rumors it is possible also an assignment in Rfi). Instead, Forza Italia and Lega put their flags at the end, respectively getting the presidency with Paolo Scaroni and the position of CEO with Flavio Cattaneo. Carroccio leader Matteo Salvini is also expected to pull out another box, that of the presidency of Terna where, according to government sources, Igor De Biasio, until then director of Rai, should arrive. For the position of managing director, the name is that of the vice president of Nokia Italy, Giuseppina Di Foggia. A woman at the top of a lunge, therefore, as expressly requested by Meloni. Terna’s appointments are scheduled for tomorrow. Finally, everything was done for Poste, where CEO Matteo Del Fante was confirmed. Another woman, Silvia Rovere, assumes the presidency.

Source: IL Tempo
