According to the congressman, the decision not to open debate this Thursday is to “give him a chance guarantees to parties and to the speakers that the new articles that have been presented can be worked calmly to smooth out the spaces and give the guarantee to all applicants and to all sectors of participation in the process”.
The official explained that during these days the recording of the 133 prepositions that he party of the U and the Conservatives They settled last Tuesday.
In turn, he assured that “with the support of the Government and the actual presentation of the Ministry of the Interior, the presidency and the speakers, we will bring this debate to a successful conclusion and give democratic guarantees to Colombians who are attentive to this debate”.
It should be remembered that during the day of this Wednesday, a negative report of the presentation of the health reform by the opposition, asking to archive the bill and include the proposals of the political parties in recent days.
Source: El Heraldo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.