Participated companies, Giorgia Meloni sells Enel to allies. Just missing Terna

Flavio Cattaneo and Paolo Scaroni at Enel, the first as general director, the second as president, are the two names that have allowed the center-right to find balance in the state nominations of invested companies. Giorgia Meloni strongly wanted Roberto Cingolani to lead Leonardo and never questioned Claudio Descalzi and Matteo Del Fante’s reconfirmations for Eni and Poste. At the same time, however, she welcomed the names proposed by Lega and Forza Italia for the national giant that deals with electricity production.

The agreement in principle was reached between Sunday and Monday. And it continued until last night, when the Ministry of Economy made official the nominations in listed companies. Despite the supposed fibrillations in the majority, announced by the opposition media, in the end what Matteo Salvini had predicted on Tuesday before entering the Council of Ministers came true: “We will close the agreement with serenity”. This is not to say that there have not been negotiations, even heated ones in some places. Undersecretary of the Prime Minister Giovanbattista Fazzolari for FdI, Senator Andrea Paganella and Salvini himself for Lega, and Gianni Letta for Forza Italia led the “negotiations”. At first, it was assumed that Francesco Starace’s place at Enel, as managing director, should be Terna’s number one, Stefano Donnarumma. In the end, however, it was preferred to adopt a profile like that of Cattaneo, which in any case is not new in the world of energy, as he was CEO of Terna from 2005 to 2014 before moving to Italo. While Scaroni’s return to the scene certainly makes headlines. The current president of AC Milan, in fact, led the electric group from 2002 to 2005, before moving to Eni, where he remained until 2014.

Meloni made it clear from the start that the criteria he would follow would be competence. Reason why he chose to confirm Descalzi at ENI. A manager with whom the Prime Minister built a solid relationship in recent months during his frequent trips to African countries to stipulate gas agreements, strategic for Italy’s liberation from Russia. «The appointments of the new senior managers at Eni, Enel, Leonardo and Poste are the result of a careful assessment of skills and not affiliations – comments the Prime Minister – It is an excellent result of the Government’s teamwork. I thank those who served Italy with passion in these companies, I wish the next managers a good job. Their task is to obtain solid and lasting economic results in the interests of the nation they represent throughout the world”. While the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, picks a few pebbles from his shoes. I think that many of the names that circulate are names that we identify and promote ourselves: you see that Renzismo wasn’t so bad, if our names are confirmed by governments of different political color.

At this point, the last relevant boxes to assign are those related to Terna. As mentioned, a transition to Enel was initially envisaged for Donnarumma. Now, however, it is combined with Cdp Venture Capital, a fund controlled by Cassa depositi e prestiti. But according to other rumours, an assignment on the Italian rail network (RFI) is also possible. Salvini should also pull out another box, the one for the presidency of Terna where, according to government sources, Igor De Biasio, until now director of Rai, should arrive. Finally, for the position of general director, the name that has been circulating for days is that of the vice president of Nokia Italy, Giuseppina Di Foggia. A woman at the top of a lunge, therefore, as expressly requested by Meloni. She would be the first woman to hold a top management position at a state-owned subsidiary. On the 8th of March, on the occasion of Women’s Day, the prime minister had expressly said so: “The challenge is not how many women sit on a board of directors, the challenge is when will we have the first general director of a women’s state- own company, because, I announce to you, it is one of the objectives that I set myself ».

Source: IL Tempo
