Third pole, forced peace between Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda

After many fights comes the truce at the third pole. Yesterday, during the party summit, Renzi and Calenda signed a document that points the way to a single black and white party. During the months of April to May, two committees with equal participation from Azione and Italia viva will elaborate the rules and the manifesto of the values ​​of the single party; the commissions will also count with the presence of representatives of the european liberal democrats and exponents of other popular, reformist and civil society movements agreed between Action and IV to guarantee the maximum involvement of all the forces and energies that do not identify with the poles of the right and left. At that time, the two leaders «will decide on the dissolution of the respective parties by the end of 2024 and the transfer to the single party of an amount equal to 70% of the resources received from 2/1000 from the second installment of 2023; at the beginning of the parliamentary process, Azione and Italia Viva will each contribute to the single party the sum of 200,000 euros, to finance parliamentary operations and the promotion and organization of the single party during 2023″. to the document, since, as some sources of Italia Viva underline: “It is the document that we had already shared. Calenda did everything alone. Yesterday he fought alone and today he recomposed himself. They are exactly the same things already shared”. was expressed by Maria Elena Boschi: “On our part, on the part of Italia viva, there is absolutely no problem. Calenda and Richetti have problems, let’s see what they have to tell us. We’ll go ahead. The draft they gave us sent is more or less the same as discussed earlier. IV’s meeting is already scheduled for June 10, we are moving forward”.

It is much more likely that the truce came about in view of the upcoming European elections in 2024 where it is not convenient for anyone to appear alone. Also because the reasons for attrition remain all on the table. Last but not least, the edition of «Il Riformista». Calenda, upon learning of Renzi’s new mission, first wished him good luck and then reconsidered, starting to raise doubts about the operation. Only yesterday came the news that Renzi will join Andrea Ruggeri, an iron Berlusconi, who confirms that the area that the former prime minister would like to look at is precisely that of Forza Italia. On the other hand, if it is true, as many say, that the Italian political scene is heading towards bipolarity, it is clear that the Third Pole will have to make a choice. But if for Renzi the common landing port is the centre-right area represented by Forza Italia, for Calenda it seems that the solution is to go it alone; also because, it seems, Forza Italia does not idolize him. Then there is the issue of money. Calenda would have spent a lot on this, mainly on polls, and so he would like the coffers of Action and living Italy to flow into the new one-party common fund. Then there is the question of the national congress that Calenda would like to hold immediately in order to be elected secretary of the new party, while Italia viva would like to be brought forward by local congresses, an eventuality that the “calendars” do not like given the greater strength of Italia viva in the territories.

Source: IL Tempo
