Third pole, Carlo Calenda against Matteo Renzi: the only party is dead

Game over. The single party has nothing to do. The verdict came after days and days of tensions, venom and barbs between the top management of Action and Italia Viva. The headstone then came from the Secretary of Action, Carlo Calenda, who leaves no room for doubt. «I didn’t talk to Renzi in the classroom, there was no way there could be tight votes – Calenda said – In any case, the one-party project is definitely dead. We are going to move forward with two parties and, if we get the climate right, we will make alliances whenever possible – said the leader of the Action, Carlo Calenda, to LaPresse as he left the Senate – We will not be able to make the party, because he does not want to do that “. This however is Calenda’s response, intercepted by Enrico Lucci who asked the leader of Action for updates on the deal with Matteo Renzi for the one party with Italia Viva. ed) don’t you want to do it?”, exhorts the Striscia correspondent. “Because he wants to keep the money and the Italia Viva party and you can’t generate three parties from two parties: it’s ridiculous”, replies Calenda. Who adds: “I don’t know if there will be another meeting, but he doesn’t come to the meetings. I haven’t spoken to him because he only talks to Obama and Clinton.” Then, a note from Action explains in detail that “the stoppage stems from Italia Viva’s choice not to vote on a document that they declared had already been read and shared. just one fact behind all this – continues Action’s note: Renzi, who returned to the leadership of Italia Viva a few months ago, has no intention of liquidating it in a new party. to the voters. After months of comings and goings – it is still observed – we simply took note of it. In a climate deliberately poisoned by personal insults from Renzi and almost all the exponents of Italia Viva a Carlo Calenda ».

For their part, the Renzian leaders of Italia Viva returned the accusations to the sender. «Interrupting the path to the single party is a unilateral choice by Carlo Calenda – reads a statement from Italia Viva – We think it is a sensational own goal but we respect Action’s decisions. The arguments used appear as alibis. Italia Viva is set to dissolve itself as Action on October 30th, after a free and democratic congress. About resources Italia Viva has already transferred almost 1.5 million euros to Carlo Calenda’s publicity team and is ready to contribute half of the necessary expenses for the congressional phase and to transfer resources from the moment of the birth of the single party. Leopolda, riformist, background, showgirls, alleged conflicts of interest are just attempts to feed a controversy that we will not follow up on. The construction of an alternative proposal to populists and sovereignists is now more difficult, but more urgent. In the coming months, we will respect Action’s friends, seeking any form of collaboration without responding to the polemics of some of its directors.

Source: IL Tempo
