Surveys, the Schlein bubble bursts. Pregliasco: lower Pd and left. Boom of Lega-Fi

The earthquake in the Third Pole, the action of the government of Giorgia Meloni, the health of Silvio Berlusconi, the first steps of Elly Schlein’s PD. There has been no shortage of political ideas in recent weeks. Capturing the dynamics of consent as usual is YouTrend’s Supermedia poll. Lorenzo Pregliasco, director of the institute, spoke on Friday, April 14, at the Omnibus at La7, commenting on the revelation that integrates the most recent research from the main institutes.

In the last two weeks, he explains, “there has been a decline in the two main forces”. FdI loses half a point and goes to 286%. The Democratic Party, which had reached 20 in the previous poll, drops three decimal places: 19.7. “It is the first time since Elly Schlein became leader of the Democratic Party – comments Pregliasco – There are signs of an adjustment after the growth after the primaries”. The researcher then points to the “good health” of Lega (9 percent) and Forza Italia (7.3 percent), both showing strong growth. Silvio Berlusconi’s party is also influenced by “its leader’s history”, explains Pregliasco, although only the most recent polls have taken this factor into account.

For coalitions, there is “a drop in the center-left because the number of P is also accompanied by a drop in the greens and on the left”, comments the researcher. Then there is the unknown Third Pole. The poll before yesterday’s explosion registers a figure of 7.3 percent: “Azione and Italia viva we still consider them together, but maybe they will split in the next revelations”. The 5 Star Movement (15.8%) grew by two decimal places.

Source: IL Tempo
