More people should be able to get help in the voting booth. This is the content of a draft law submitted by Minister Bruins Slot to the Council of State for consideration.
Now only voters who are unable to vote independently due to a physical disability can be assisted. Bruins Slot wants to expand this so that voters with intellectual disabilities or people with low literacy levels can also be supported, for example.
Only a poll clerk can assist. Bruins Slot says that if voters are allowed to bring someone of their choice to the voting booth, the risk that the voter will be forced to make a particular choice would be too great. He emphasizes that election center members receive special training to provide electoral support.
Experiment first, expand later
The minister believes his proposal will give more people the opportunity to vote independently.
Bruins Slot first wants to test the new system in about fifteen municipalities and then check whether the aid can be implemented nationwide. He points out that his proposal is in line with a UN treaty and the wishes of various organizations. The Board of Elections has also made recommendations in this direction before.
Source: NOS

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.