Tonight in Italy, Montaruli reassures businessmen: “Migrants? Future with flows already programmed”

The Flussi decree is discussed during the April 14 episode of Stasera Italia, the Rete4 talk show hosted by Barbara Palombelli. The government’s move consists of a provision that defines entry quotas for non-EU foreign nationals who may cross the borders into our country, for subordinate, autonomous and seasonal reasons. Augusta Montaruli, deputy of Fratelli d’Italia, intervenes to reassure all businessmen who want to hire migrants in their companies: “It is a real problem, that is why the Decree Cutro has foreseen a schedule of flows, according to Fini, 3 years and not more sporadic for single years. Aware of this problem and the need for programming, the Meloni government has already intervened through the Cutro Decree, ensuring that there is programming of flows. Aware of this problem – underlines Mr. Deputy – we have already taken measures for the future” .

Source: IL Tempo
