Crosetto, the prophecy about the center-right revolution: “A great conservative party”

The center-right majority as a building site for a new political creation. That’s what Defense Minister Guido Crosetto expects in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “It is precisely this entire majority that could become a great conservative party,” he says. On the dynamics between allies, he explains: “No risk” arising from the parallel game between Lega and Forza Italia in the nominations. And he guarantees: “The axis is between FdI, Lega and FI. With Salvini I have an extraordinary human and political relationship. The collaboration between Defense and Mit has never been more positive.”

On, however, the leader of Forza Italia: “I wish that Berlusconi recovers his strength soon and returns to being the lion that he is. Furthermore, as I informed by Marta Fascina, I intend to receive his last invitation to lunch. Forza Italia is Berlusconi. And in Italy there are many more people who love him than those who love him badly”. A new center is needed. The Brothers of Italy must also occupy the center, showing themselves to be ever more open and inclusive”.

And when questioned about the summary found on appointments to state-owned companies, he reasons: “There is an intelligent woman in charge, whose choices strengthened the majority, the companies and also the Minister of Economy, that someone wanted to put the bank’s defendants in charge”.

Source: IL Tempo
