One of the first real reasons for the conflict between Giorgia Meloni and Elly Schlein, which remained largely hidden after her appointment as secretary of the Democratic Party, is the issue of migrants. “My objective is the elimination of special protection, because it is an additional protection in relation to what happens in the rest of Europe and I believe that Italy has no reason to deviate from the European regulations of reference. There was a proposal that the majority as a whole was working on and I trust that this will be approved, because it is not an issue on which there are really differences. It is a complex subject and therefore it is normal that in the parliamentary works there are several alterations, but we all agree with the objectives that we set ourselves”, said Prime Minister Meloni at today’s press point during his visit to Ethiopia, referring to the special protection decided by the government on the issue of migrants.
The statements by the leader of the Brothers of Italy infuriated Schlein. The response came on the sidelines of a rally in support of center-left candidate for mayor of Siena Anna Ferretti: “I think it’s a shame to try again to make the weakest pay for this government’s inability to build migration policies. They are trying to bring back Salvini’s security decrees also in aspects such as the abolition of humanitarian protection, on which, incidentally, there were critical questions raised by the Constitutional Court. international rights, with international charters from Geneva on the rights of women and men refugees, we have a very clear position on this”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.