The confrontation, even dialectical, between the center-right majority in the government and the NGOs is always alive. This time it is Sea Watch that criticizes the executive led by Giorgia Meloni, who spoke out against the measure adopted by the Government that will last six months and for which it foresees an initial financing of 5 million euros: “The Council of Ministers proclaimed the called ‘state of emergency’. Not for the 600 people who have drowned in the Mediterranean since the beginning of the year, but to be able to quickly reject those who reach Italian shores alive. The Italian government claims that the country’s reception system is overloaded – continues the NGO -. But in recent years, thousands of places in reception centers have remained vacant.”
“An integral part of the package of measures – they say from Sea Watch – is the facilitation of deportations, bypassing parliamentary processes. The current situation is not a disaster, certainly not a natural disaster, but the result of Italian and European migration policies. There is no emergency in survival. Migration is and remains a human right. Host capacities exist, political will is lacking. The Italian ‘state of emergency’ – denounces the German humanitarian organization – will further strengthen Europe’s external borders”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.