Birth plan, the shocking intervention of Minister Giorgetti: different taxes for singles and families

After the news published in recent days about birth incentives being studied by the offices of the Ministry of Economy, the owner of Via XX Settembre speaks, and he does so by confirming the path that the government intends to follow. For Giancarlo Giorgetti, who spoke at the hearing of the Economic-Financial Document before the Joint Budget Committees of the Chamber and the Senate at Palazzo Madama, “given the forecasts for social security expenditures for the coming years, it is clear that a shock action must be implemented” . “I am not foolish in thinking that only a tax incentive can produce a recovery of the demographic curve”, adds the minister, who then launches the real novelty: “More than talking about policies against the drop in birth rates, it is necessary to eliminate disincentives to the birth rate, for example, we cannot tax in the same way those who are single and those who have a family with children because they have different expenses.” How to calibrate this difference will be the work on which the minister will focus in the coming weeks. to face the demographic emergency and remove the obstacles that impede the choice of having children in the world. Italy, Massimo Bitonci Both support the hypothesis of an annual deduction of ten thousand euros for each dependent child, for all and without income limits, until the conclusion of the course. It would certainly be an onerous economic commitment for the State’s coffers. So much so that it is filtered by FdI that the preferred model would be another, that of the family quotient in the French model but also used in European Nordic countries.

It is no coincidence that Giorgetti did not go into detail. He specified that the various proposals will be the object of comparison. But before the Budget commissions, he explained that his objective is to differentiate: “Whoever has children has costs that in some way change the concept, so dear to many here, of progressiveness of the tax burden. What we have to do somehow is to remove the obstacles and limits concerning the birth rate». There is still a long way to go and the end result will be the result of a confrontation between the different political forces of the majority. «A policy that puts the birth rate at the center, he underlines finally, «must be shared because it does not concern a political party, but the future of Italy».
The minister also had the opportunity to address the issue of immigration linked to demographic decline and state accounts. Indeed, in the Def, a chapter is dedicated precisely to migrants. The paragraph in question is as follows: “Given the demographic structure of immigrants entering Italy, the effect is significant on the resident population of working age and, therefore, on job offers.” The other two variables considered are “the gradual increase in life expectancy at birth of around 2 years in 2070 and the progressive reduction in the fertility rate by 20 percent from 2020 onwards”. This is why “the debt/GDP ratio between now and 2070 could vary by “more than 30 percentage points”, with an increase in the flow of migrants “by 33%”. These considerations in recent days have been exploited by the opposition to open a polemic against the government, to argue that what is written in the Def is in contradiction with the immigration policies followed by the executive. It is the thesis according to which it is not right to stop migratory flows, because whoever arrives in our country should be considered a resource. Giorgetti once again takes it upon himself to explain the meaning of the considerations contained in the Def, highlighting the difference between regular and illegal immigration. The simulation that predicts an increase in migrants to reduce the debt more quickly, in fact, is “normally contained in simulations of the stability program, the improvement in the supposed migratory balance corresponds in absolute values ​​to 75 thousand” annual entries. A value, underlines Giorgetti, “similar to that decided by the government with the last decree of flows with which it was established that in 2023 82,000 non-EU workers will be able to enter Italy”. This means that there is a migration that adds value and another that does not help with growth, but ends up increasing pockets of poverty. Among other things, as the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, confirmed the day before yesterday, the government is considering increasing the quota of immigrants to be admitted regularly through the system provided for in the flow decree. “I reiterate that we have no impediments in considering the extensions of the current entry quotas – said the person in charge of Viminale – understanding that the concrete evaluations will be made at an inter-ministerial level through discussions with the social partners”. Because, as Giorgia Meloni also recalled a few days ago, the shortage of labor cannot be solved by bringing more and more migrants, but by helping women who don’t have a job to find work.

Source: IL Tempo
