Administrative 2023, Lazio’s challenge is won in Latina, Aprilia and Fiumicino

Last week of the electoral campaign in Lazio for the elections on Sunday and Monday, with the provinces of Rome and Latina undisputed protagonists of the political challenges in important municipalities such as Latina, Fiumicino, Aprilia (the three largest in terms of population), Pomezia, Velletri and Terracina. Lazio is preparing to elect mayors and councilors in 47 municipalities, after the clear victory of the center-right in the last regionals, in two days that will see many citizens called to the polls from Sunday 7 to 23 and from 7 to 15 on Monday -fair.

There are twelve municipalities with more than 15,000 inhabitants. In addition to the 6 mentioned above, the other four in the province of Rome should also be mentioned: Santa Marinella, Rocca di Papa, San Cesareo and Valmontone, and the two in the province of Frosinone: Anagni and Ferentino. If none of the candidates exceeds 50% of the votes, the two with the most preferences will compete in the second round on May 28 and 29. For municipalities with less than 15,000 inhabitants, voting is scheduled in a single round. At stake are many political balances with the center-right favored in the provinces, disputing vote by vote with the center-left at the gates of the capital. It will be an opportunity for parties and alignments to “tell each other”, a few months after the election of Francesco Rocca as governor of Lazio, and just one year after the next electoral appointment scheduled for 2024 with the European elections.

The largest municipality, among those that will go to the polls, is Latina, the only provincial capital to go to the polls with its 126,000 inhabitants. Currently the administration is a commissariat. Right here, former mayor Damiano Coletta, new winner of the center-left primaries against Matilde Celentano, former leader of the Brothers of Italy in the City Council, will contest an election that this year will have only two candidates for mayor, so already in the afternoon. Monday, the city will know the name of its new mayor. To support Celentano’s election, five center-right lists joined the civic list Matilde Celentano, mayor and UDC-DC; four, however, those in support of Damiano Coletta: Latina Bene Comune, M5S, Pd and Per Latina 203.

In the province of Latina, the municipality of Aprilia, the second largest city in terms of population in the province, also voted.
5 candidates for mayor are running for mayor: Luana Caporaso, Angelo Casciano, Carmen Porcelli, Lanfranco Principi and Andrea Ragusa. Among the favorites for the likely vote, Luana Caporaso, former deputy mayor of the city at the head of the Aprilia Civica coalition formed by eight lists, and Lanfranco Principi, also former deputy mayor, supported by the united lists of center-right and civic.

In Terracina, however, the election takes place after an investigation that triggered the handcuffs of mayor Roberta Tintari, administrators, managers and city officials. 5 candidates for mayor are fighting for the final victory: Fabrizio Di Sauro, Alessandro Di Tommaso, Massimiliano Cesare Fornari, Francesco Giannetti and Gabriele Subiaco. Among the favorites for the probable vote, the center-right candidate Giannetti with the center-left candidate Di Sauro, also supported by the M5S. Battle to the sound of votes in the province of Rome, especially in Fiumicino with its more than 80,000 inhabitants. Here, historic outgoing mayor Esterino Montino, a former Democratic Party senator, will support his current vice-president, Ezio Di Genesio Pagliuca, against centre-right challenger Mario Baccini, former minister of civil service in the Berlusconi government. Already the M5S decided to run alone, featuring Walter Costanza. The same goes for Claudio Cutolo, a former councilor who entered the field for the post of mayor with the free civic list of Fiumicino.

In Pomezia, the second most important center with more than sixty thousand inhabitants in the province of Rome, after the distrust of the former grillino mayor Adriano Zuccalà, now regional councilor, the challenge is between 4 candidates: Veronica Felici, Eleonora Napolitano, Giacomo Castro and Stefania Padula . Among the frontrunners are two women: center-right cartel leader Felici and Napolitano, the center-left candidate. Six, however, are candidates for the position of mayor of Velletri. In the city of Castelli Romani, the outgoing Orlando Pocci will face five rivals: Ascanio Cascella, Favetta Romano, Clorinda Ricci, Roberto Romagnoli and Fausto Servadio. Favorites for the final victory, the center-right candidate Cascella and the outgoing mayor Pocci, who is running for the center-left.

Source: IL Tempo
