Silvio Berlusconi returned to wear “shirt and jacket”, which returns to speak on video after the message sent to the Forza Italia Convention. “An affectionate greeting to all. I am still and unfortunately in San Raffaele. But this morning I also put a shirt and a coat for you”, said the former prime minister who dedicated his speech to the administrative elections that summon citizens from more than 700 municipalities throughout Italy.
“After my speech last Saturday at the Forza Italia Convention in Milan, I take the liberty of disturbing you again to remind you that local elections for mayors and administrators will be held on Sunday and Monday in seven hundred Italian municipalities and cities “, the Knight started in San Raffaele, where he has been hospitalized since April 5 to treat a lung infection. “Here, I would like to remind all our fellow citizens of the duty to go and vote because those who do not vote leave it to others to decide the future of their municipality and their city, so those who do not vote are not good citizens, they are not good Italians ”, warns Berlusconi.
The blue president returns to the field to remind “all the voters of Forza Italia, but also the other voters of the parties that form the majority of the current government of which we are the backbone and I also want to thank the voters who in the seven hundred municipalities, where there is a of our capable and convincing candidates, they will give their vote to us and Forza Italia, because this vote in the administrative offices can affect the weight of our government”, concludes cav.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.