Three provincial capitals, twenty-two municipalities. A decisive vote at the national level, to understand the strength of the center-right government, on the one hand, and the Schlein effect, on the other. A result that will also determine, at a local level, the future of one of the last red strongholds, especially in view of the 2025 Regionals. Tuscany will go to the polls tomorrow, from the 7th to the 23rd and Monday until the 15th. in sienna, step AND Pasta, the three cities torn from the center-left five years ago. A key testing ground for moderates. However, they don’t get everywhere united as voters would expect.
In the city of Torre Inclinada, the center-right appears solid in support of Michele Conti, who will have to face Paolo Martinelli, elected by the Pd, Cinco Estrelas and Esquerda Unida, and Rita Mariotti, Terceira Pólo. The other three candidates from as many civic lists appear distant. At Massa, it will be a four-man race. The outgoing mayor, Francesco Persiani, supported by Lega and Forza Italia, will be called to a fratricidal confrontation with Marco Guidi, the man of the Fdi, with Enzo Ricci, municipal secretary of the Democratic Party and with Daniela Bennati, representative of the Grillinis. Little chance for the other four candidates on the city’s civic lists.
In Siena, the center-right will support the name of Nicoletta Fabio, who will dispute the leadership of the Palio city with Anna Ferretti, supported by the Democratic Party and Elena Boldrini (Five Star Movement). Italia Viva and Azione will have two distinct candidates (respectively Massimo Castagnini and Roberto Bozzi). Once again, civic lists seem far behind traditional parties. The results will also serve as a test bench at a national level. A victory for the center-right will confirm the positive trend of the executive led by Giorgia Meloni. A dem triumph will reaffirm the trend that sees Tuscany as one of the last strong reds. This round will also be an important testing ground in view of the 2025 Regionals. To root for victory, Italy Brothers, Lega and Forza Italia must retain the three cities conquered five years ago. And maybe even win in those municipalities with more than fifteen thousand inhabitants, Campi Bisenzio (province of Florence) and Pietrasanta (Lucca) in primis.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.