A second flood was declared and 55m euros was never spent

Talking later is not always pleasant. But sometimes it may be necessary. “We are facing a new earthquake, but we will rebuild everything,” said Stefano Bonaccini, president of Emilia Romagna, once again to update on the flood that has flooded the entire region since May 17 yesterday. To be precise, the second flood in fifteen days, more devastating than the first, with more deaths: nine. On the occasion of the first event of extraordinarily bad weather, the newspaper open He had launched an accusation against the Emilia Romagna region regarding the hydrogeological safety management. At stake was 55m euros, which would be returned to the government between 2021 and 2022 rather than investing in making rivers and mountains safe.

Claim and answers

article by open – signed by director Franco Bechis – explains how Stefano Bonaccini and current vice president Elly Schlein returned 55.2m euros of the 71.9m euros from the Ministry of Infrastructure between 2021 and 2022, according to unquoted reports from the Court of Accounts State for the maintenance and safety of waterways in the region. Refunds would be required, as the entire team of the city council would not be able to spend them within the time stipulated in the loan agreement. Among the cited works open From the SAI documents, many include:

  • Mowing, cutting, re-profiling and restoration of landslide shores in areas extending from time to time in the streams of the Idice and Sillaro basins
  • Urgent and urgent interventions to the streams of Idice floodplains
  • Emergency response to streams of Sillaro floodplains
  • Mowing, cutting vegetation, re-profiling and restoration of landslide shores on occasional stretches of Idice, Savena, Sillaro, Quaderna, Gaiana and Fossatone creeks
  • Maintenance works of Ravone creek

The relevant section of the Court of Accounts includes the following statements: “The objective determination of the failure of the regional administration’s hydrogeological regulation work for more than ten years, amounting to approximately 55 million fully financed by Mali. opening”.

Immediately after the broadcast, the Emilia Romagna region issued a press release describing the allegations as “misleading”. From the note, the district announced that these funds were intended for inland navigation and were later returned to the junta by the head of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Matteo Salvini. However, as Bechis himself noted, the note did not explain why these funds were not spent within the time agreed with the loan.

The Court of Accounts, which we contacted today, explained that the purpose of the report was only to reveal the accounting data of the subject. So this data without cause and effect value: According to the agency, it is not possible to know whether the lack of funds spent is affecting the situation that has occurred in the last few hours, because it is not possible from the data. estimating the territoriality in which these funds might have been spent. The court’s control function is working to try to understand how much the €55m shortfall may have affected the flooding that hit Romagna, and also determines the geographic area where the funds were not spent, but according to them, the answer will only come later.

Has the disaster been announced?

article by open He launched an impeachment against the management of hydrogeological emergencies following the initial flooding in early May. Eleven days later, a new critical situation worse than the first brings the region to its knees again, despite all predictions and precautions. What went wrong? Maybe it’s too early to ask. The regional government still does not have a precise estimate of the amount of damage (we are talking about billions, but the figure will increase) and – above all – there is no specific number of missing and displaced persons. It will be too early to determine responsibility for the last shocking flood, but it can be said with certainty that the extra 55m euros will not avert a disaster of this magnitude.

As politics attacked the area within corporate offices, even the Codacons filed complaints with the prosecutors of the capitals of Bologna, Ravenna and Forlì to investigate whether they had neglected to secure the area. The aim is to clarify the civil or criminal liability of local authorities, the correct use of public funds and – according to the consortium – preventive actions that would have expired if a return to the 2019 protocol.


The next cabinet, to be held on 23 May, will take care to set a point for calculating the damages and associated costs associated with infrastructure rebuilding. Considering the seriousness of these two recent events, which are so close to each other, it cannot be ignored that the plans for the security of the regions and waterways will also be updated. What is lacking remains the higher efficiency of the emergency management and coordination system, as Fabrizio Gatti explains today, according to the model of the regional conservation project “Italia Sicura”, launched by the Renzi government in 2014 and liquidated by Conte. I am government.

In addition, and more generally, more awareness is needed about such crises. According to Ispra data, up to 450 millimeters of rain fell in various regions, a figure that has not been seen in 80 years. In total, 21 rivers were flooded (many included in the safety plans of the above-mentioned 55 million), and 47 municipalities were at least partially flooded. As described by Andrea Falla in an interview with Francesco Vincenzi, head of Anbi (National Association of Territorial and Irrigated Water Management and Conservation Consortiums), one of the main solutions to prevent other disasters of this magnitude in the future is to accept that the global climate crisis is the “tropicalization” of our country. is the main reason. That’s an understatement to say that there aren’t 55 million people who care if we don’t think about saving the planet first.

Source: Today IT

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