Schlein and Conte forced into a forced alliance: along with the ballots

A cold passion. A love that faded before it started. Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte. The first is ready to be transfigured and the Nazarene even takes on a grilled appearance. The second fleeing the mortal embrace, the risk of ending up under the same roof but cannibalized by a praying mantis. The opposition at the time of the Meloni government: a set of crazy molecules that attract and repel each other. Elly made alliances her mantra, herself the embodiment of refoundation, the connecting thread of the new “left-left.”

He didn’t foresee the denial, Elly. The match, the race to distinguish Conte, a revised and more casual version of yesterday’s “Giuseppi”, the one with the pochette overlooking Palazzo Chigi. To stop the freefall, leader 5Stelle must pull the stick today. He stops before hitting the ground. “It is still early to talk about a structural alliance with the Democratic Party, which still has to resolve its contradictions on many issues, such as, for example, the ecological transition, incinerators, weapons and so on. That’s why we weren’t able to run together in the administrative offices of all territories, we tried to share local issues – explains senator Marco Turco, vice-president of the M5s, one of the closest leaders to the former prime minister – and the final decision was left to individual territories because we believe in the popular participation of all citizens».

But how to explain the rallies at the same time in two different squares in this way? The pesky lists? Opposing and Opposing Candidates? “We are not willing to distort our political line – reinforces the concept the Turkish, Apulian, former undersecretary of the prime minister in Conte II – at this moment with the dem only contracts on specific issues, compatible with our charter of values”.

The removal process has already started. The management failure in which the M5S passed the miserable 5% bar only in Brindisi and Terni gave it a further boost. Territorial groups are advised. The indication is clear: from now on, friendly fire is more important than enemy fire: if before the match was for the leadership of the opposition, now the very survival of the M5S is at stake. Nowhere is it written that in Siena, for example, for Grillini members there will be a precise indication of the vote for the “new” face of the Democratic Party, Anna Ferretti, the 71-year-old ex-president of Caritas who in 28 and Next May 29 he hopes to tear the city of Palio away from the centre-right. The 5Stelle Elena Boldrini, who left with broken bones from the confrontation, so far has limited herself to saying that “having already been presented was a success”.

The speech in Brindisi was different, where the dem turned the other cheek to support 5Stelle Roberto Fusco without the opening gesture being reciprocated with at least one common initiative. Conte and Schlein have been talking frequently on the phone lately. They talk, but they don’t meet. And if Beppe Grillo has now gone off on a tangent, he thinks and even writes that artificial intelligence could one day replace representative democracy, the former defender of the people intends to tackle the Ukrainian question in a stable way. He wants to dig a furrow between the “warlike pacifism” of those who voted for “special supplies” in the European Parliament and those who, like him and his followers, have adopted a Zen position.

The same goes for the waste-to-energy plant and job insecurity. Democrats are not forgiven for having released Jobs’s act, considered “a stone from the past”. In short, this also happens on the left-left: what divides is more important than what unites.

Source: IL Tempo
