Following the statements made by Germán Vargas Lleras, former vice president and leader of the Radical Change Party, in the city of Medellín, during one of his journeys to win over his community, where he claimed to feel alone and that ” we see the attitude of Dr. Álvaro Uribe, so combative in other times and so quiet when we need it most”, the reactions were not long in coming.
Former President Álvaro Uribe responded to Vargas Lleras by assuring that he is in opposition from the street and also hinted at his successor and Nobel laureate Juan Manuel Santos.
“I have been combative against the government of deceit, 2010-2018, elected by Odebrecht and who handed over the country to the Farc. They were too combative and informed to put me in jail. Before President Duque’s government, I respected her independence and generally kept my mouth shut. I stand in the street against the current administration’s statements and reforms,” the leader of the Democratic Center said via his Twitter account.
During his speech in the capital of Antioquia, Vargas Lleras also attacked the presidents of the political parties that declared independence after the end of the governing coalition, a specific case of the Conservatives and La U, assuring that despite the fact that their leaders saying publicly that they are moving away from “Change,” it is not reflected in the votes of their congressmen.
Source: El Heraldo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.