Tonight Italy, the indictment of Mario Giordano: plans for the territory ignored

The disaster that hit Emilia Romagna has very distant roots. Not only climate change, but also and above all the lack of land management. A plague that affects not only Emilia-Romagna, but the entire country. This was also discussed during the episode of “Stasera Italia” broadcast on May 19 on Rete4. By the way, Mario Giordano spoke of a report by the Court of Auditors that explicitly addresses the issue of non-implementation of safeguard plans.

“It is clear that there are managerial and administrative deficiencies – said Mario Giordano – And that in Emilia-Romagna and in all Italian regions, as we have reported in recent years. There is a report by the Court of Auditors from some time ago that examined 8,926 conservation plans of land for which 29 billion have been allocated because it is not true that there is no money. Many times the money is there but it is not spent. And these land restoration plans in 90% of the cases did not even reach the design stage.

Source: IL Tempo
