Tense day at the Turin Book Fair. Non una di Meno and Extinction Rebellion contested Family Minister Eugenia Roccella, turning the day into a showdown between centre-right members and outgoing Book Fair director Nicola Lagioia. “Fuori Roccella dal Salone”, the chorus of activists who interrupted the presentation of the book ‘A Radical Family’, organized at Arena Piemonte by the Piemonte Region. Protests prevented the event from taking place. The position of Chiara Gribaudo, vice-president of the Democratic Party, arrives at the situation and agrees with the demonstrators: “Montaruli’s attack, violent in language and form, against La Gioia is unacceptable. As well as the government’s disorderly reaction to the protest against Minister Roccella at the Book Fair. It is a right wing allergic to dissent which is nevertheless legitimate in a democracy”.
Roccella wanted to comment on what happened on her Facebook page: “What impressed me is the complete closure of the comparison and, one thing that sincerely hurts me is that women have prevented other women from speaking, presenting a book that talks a lot about women and feminism, and that would have scared those girls, if they had read it. Others were prevented from speaking and presenting a book… at the Book Fair. However, Roberto Saviano’s outburst according to which I would have gone to the Book Fair to ‘provoke’ , because ‘the rented uterus should not be demonized’, it didn’t hit me, because I didn’t expect anything different. Of course I provoked, I even wanted to talk!”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.