“The G7 returned to talk about migratory phenomena, human trafficking and illegal flows”. At the conference before her return to Italy to deal with the emergency that has hit Emilia Romagna, Giorgia Meloni explained how Italy has placed the issue of migrants at the center of the table of the Great of the Earth. “We discussed Africa, Tunisia, irregular immigration. Issues that are very dear to us» underlined the Prime Minister, underlining the difference in approach between Italy and other African countries. «I was in Ethiopia and there is a dam there that produces energy for the whole region and it was built by Italians, we adopted a cooperation that left something. The challenge is to make Africans understand that they must make the most of their resources and help them». During the summit, Italy presented the Mattei Plan for Africa which “received a lot of support”. And precisely on the issue of migrants in Hiroshima, a confrontation took place between Giorgia Meloni, the director of the International Monetary Fund Kristalina Georgieva and the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on Tunisia. «It is a very difficult situation, with evident political fragility and risk of financial default at the door. We have a negotiation between the International Monetary Fund, the IMF and Tunisia effectively blocked. There is a certain rigidity in the IMF over the fact that all the necessary guarantees have not been obtained from President Saied. It is understandable on the one hand, on the other are we sure that this rigidity is the best way? If this government goes home, do we know what the alternatives might be?», Meloni stressed.
Zelensky also arrived in Hiroshima. The Ukrainian president received from the tenant of the White House, Joe Biden, the willingness to supply F16 fighter jets to the Kiev army. Now, however, Ukrainian pilots need to be trained, and Italy can play a role in that regard. “We have not taken a decision on training Ukrainian pilots to fly the F16, we will carry out an assessment with the allies,” declared the Italian president. On the occasion, Giorgia Meloni also wanted to remove some pebbles from her shoe. “If we had followed the propaganda that it was a losing battle to help the Ukrainians, if we had abandoned the Ukrainians, today we would be living in a world of chaos. The issue is that a permanent member of the UN Security Council invaded its neighbor in violation of international law. If this right was not defended on the field, we would not have other opportunities. We will continue to support Ukraine, but they are doing most of the work.” Meloni did not want to prejudge the conclusions of the summit, which Japanese Prime Minister Kishida will present tonight, but he wanted to reiterate that support for Ukraine will exist as long as necessary.
G7 in Italy
Giorgia Meloni returned to Italy after the conference the day before. “I can’t stay away in such a complex period. I need to work personally” on the emergency that hit Emilia Romagna, as well as organize Tuesday’s Council of Ministers in the best possible way. He then anticipated that the 2024 G7 expected in Italy will be held in Puglia. “We will bring the big ones for the south of Italy, Puglia is a bridge between east and west”, he said. The summit will be held after the European ones scheduled for June 9-10 “we will organize it immediately afterwards”.
the role of the sea
Italy also wanted to draw the attention of the Great of the Earth to the theme of the sea. «More than 80% of international trade is carried out by sea. The discovery and opening of new sea routes have always brought with them great historical and social changes. Today we also run the risk that climate change will open up new, hitherto impassable passages in the Northeast and Northwest. Passages, especially in the Northeast, which run the risk of being controlled by other powers», recalled Meloni.
Peace with Trudeau and Macron
The prime minister also wanted to end the controversy caused by the Canadian president, who said he was concerned about the Italian government’s LGBTQ+ policies. “Canadian President Trudeau was probably a little reckless in making that statement. I explained to him that we have not taken any action in this matter and therefore there is nothing to worry about. I think he was a victim of fake news, I spoke to him about it and it seems to me that he realized it himself”. While the French president, after the attacks of recent weeks, wanted to give his support to Italy on the issue of migrants, saying that France is ready to work on the common borders.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.