“We Moderates” becomes a party: towards the new phase with Lupi in the presidency

The importance of strengthening the “center of the center-right”. The relevance of values ​​such as popularism, family, subsidiarity. This is the leitmotiv within the National Congress, held in Rome, of “We Moderates”, which now assumes party connotations for all intents and purposes. The national president was elected Maurizio Lupi, the political coordinator Saverio Romano, the vice president Pino Galati. Therefore, a path begins, filtered from the assembly, to try to aggregate as much as possible an important segment of the center-right, but on which a plurality of acronyms gravitate. «A new challenge – says Maurizio Lupi to Il Tempo on the sidelines of the initiative – and is summarized by the title of our conference “The future is now”. About eight months ago, Italians decided to entrust a center-right political government with the task of changing Italy. And for that very reason, then, we have to build it now. The content of the moderates, in this, is decisive». How to create synergy between the various central realities? «In two ways: however, with the awareness that, contrary to what happened at the Third Pole, what unites us is not an abstract idea, just to raise votes. And then with the recognition that continuing to divide us only makes our political proposal irrelevant: many little De Gasperis do not make a De Gasperi. A year from now, at the European Championships, the challenge will be to restore the forces of the Populars in Italy too, and we have to work on that».

From there begins a reflection on the government’s work and on the perspective, also territorial. See the greeting of the President of the Region of Lazio, Francesco Rocca. There is also, representing the Democratic Party, Senator Beatrice Lorenzin who brings greetings from Elly Schlein and reasons: “Every congress is a party for politics and democracy”. Returning to the center right, the physical presence of the Brothers of Italy, then, is the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, who observes: “We can work to give life to a political area that is the majority in the country. We must not be afraid, we have the Italian people on our side». Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, on the other hand, sends us a video recorded before leaving for the G7: “A congress – she observes – is never a waste of time, it is the salt that gives flavor to a political force”. And she adds: “In these almost eight months of government, I have read everything. Every day I open the newspapers and discover that I am arguing with someone, I learn that the majority are divided and that they are fighting over everything, that they are fighting. The truth, of course, is quite different. We not only govern with cohesion, with compactness, with great speed and with great concreteness».

Antonio Tajani, national coordinator of Forza Italia and vice-president of the Board, took the stage, bringing greetings from Silvio Berlusconi, greeted with applause from the audience. «Forza Italia is the third political force in the administrative elections, and if we add the votes of Us Moderates, our percentage becomes significant. What I mean? That there is a large political space that we absolutely must occupy together. We have seen that the dream of bringing the Third Pole to life is a little faded. The Democratic Party’s choice to move far to the left, and I don’t think that many former Christian Democrats or former socialists believe that they should continue down a path that leads them to be part of an increasingly extreme left, abandoning a increasingly important space in the center. And we have a duty to be a new reference for this electorate”. Giovanni Toti, leader of Italy in the Center and President of Liguria, launches an appeal to the other forces of the centrist area, to “unite us, even at the national level, in a federal organization without erasing those peculiarities that made our territories strong ». Matteo Salvini then intervenes via video link: “Everyone is indispensable in this government. It’s like Lego, without bricks you can’t build a house. Obviously, there are those who are numerically heavier and those who may be heavier in the future But we must all consider ourselves absolutely indispensable.” The synthesis of the meeting’s political message is outlined by Lupi, in the concluding speech: “The sum of the acronyms does not add up to the sum of the votes of the individual acronyms, we know that, we have the scars of having made that mistake: now the challenge is to reassemble, to join, not to divide. This is the way to start.”

Source: IL Tempo
