Renzi fires Calenda: “Obsessed with me, he doesn’t fit as a leader”

The tension between Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda shows no sign of abating. The leader of Italia Viva uses very harsh words during an interview by La Stampa with his colleague, but keeping an open light for the future of the Third Pole, at least for the next elections: “We are in favor of the single list in the European. let’s poison the climate with grillini-type personal attacks. As for the dissolution of the groups, we will not be the ones to provoke it. The problem is not to end the groups, but to stop bothering the citizens. We bring our ideas about hydrogeological instability, not the populist polemics in my lectures”.

“What are you going to say to Calenda at the Senate group meeting tonight?” the question addressed to Renzi, who responds as follows: “The parent company Raffaella Paita will present a document in which we propose to stop the personal attacks and relaunch the European bet. Let’s see who’s into it and who’s against it. I hope there is a consensus, we cannot continue to give this show of arguments about my conferences”.

Then the heavy personal attack: “Carlo seems to have developed an obsession with me and the thing is quite curious. All I know is that I named him deputy minister, minister, ambassador. I supported him as mayor, deputy and leader of the list at the same time. We transferred one and a half million euros to him to cover the buses of half of Italy with his face and support his social campaigns. We couldn’t do more. I have the impression-Renzi’s backlash-that he was an excellent vice-minister and that he would have made an excellent mayor, but that perhaps leading a party is not the most suitable position for his characteristics. In any case, it’s an Action problem. We with them, with Italia Viva and with the many who will be there, we want to make a list for Europeans that is an alternative to Meloni and Schlein. I see them both as opponents, not in Calenda.”

Source: IL Tempo
