Emilia Romagna emergency, the government prepares the decree

Tomorrow, the first government measures are expected to start tackling the bad weather emergency that hit Emilia-Romagna. A working day for Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni dedicated to optimizing the measures, announced at the end of Sunday’s visit to Romagna, to be taken to the CDM on Tuesday. The meeting at Palazzo Chigi will be followed by another meeting with the President of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, business associations and unions: an opportunity to also establish the priorities from which to start over.

The Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, anticipates that “tomorrow we will present a first package of support within the scope of the emergency decree that will, I hope, provide for the suspension of mortgages, the installment of tax charges and above all the activation of the Guarantee Fund which, in our view, should be the maximum allowed by European rules on state aid”. “This – he adds – will be a first package of interventions. Afterwards, when an effective census is carried out of the most affected sectors and areas and companies, we will be able to intervene with more appropriate and targeted measures”.

MIT is also focusing on the severe weather emergency. Ministry offices led by Matteo Salvini are also working to release 1.5 million euros “as soon as possible” for “rapid implementation in the area”, such as cleaning, restoration and security of some roads, with “headlights on in small towns “.

“The population of Emilia-Romagna – stresses the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport – is tough, they don’t give up, they work with a shovel morning and night, but obviously they need the blocking of fiscal deadlines, they need urgent help”. “From a road, highway and rail perspective – it continues – we are racing like crazy to reopen safely as soon as possible.” In short, “I tell you that tomorrow is a sign of a new beginning, of hope for Romagna and for the whole of Italy”.

On the resources front, Meloni after his visit to Romagna opened the possibility of resorting to the European Union Solidarity Fund. In any case, “it looks like it’s difficult to get Pnrr money moving for this emergency,” says Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani of Brussels. “We are studying all the necessary measures to help populations and companies”, explains the deputy prime minister. To then announce that tomorrow he will be in Forlì “to meet companies that export outside Italy to see how they can be supported in a time of great difficulty through the actions of ICE, Simest and Sace”.

However, estimating the damage is a tricky task. “It is still completely impossible. At the moment, there are only the first estimates from trade associations. How we will intervene with compensation forms is yet to be defined, we received from the Emilia-Romagna Region the list of Municipalities to be considered flooded, around 100” , says the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

“The Region sent us an initial analysis, tomorrow there will be the CDM and later also a meeting with the entire productive world and workers’ representatives and it will be then that it will be possible to have a clearer idea of ​​this data”, echoes the Minister of Agriculture , Francesco Lollobrigida In his opinion, again, “it is useful to start talking about the maintenance of the territory without ideologies” and “the objective is that the world of agriculture and livestock often guarantees the maintenance of the environment”.

Source: IL Tempo
