Covid, PD and M5S barricades against the commission of inquiry

The policy wants to clarify the management of the pandemic by the Conte 2 and Draghi governments with the creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry. The Immuni app, wheelchairs, masks and state of emergency. It seems like an eternity that these were the words on the agenda, but in reality the World Health Organization only declared the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic over on May 5th. The emergency of those days effectively suspended democratic times and the governments that had to face that unprecedented scenario did so by means of emergency decrees. Now, however, both justice and politics want to retrace that period to try to clarify and understand if any crime was committed in the emergency. And, in fact, on May 10, the former head of the Ministry of Health Roberto Speranza and the former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte were questioned at the Court of Ministers of Brescia in the investigation that sees them under investigation for an culpable epidemic and homicide multiple in the management of Covid-19 in the Bergamo area.

At the same time, the text for the creation of a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the work of the government and the measures adopted to prevent and face the epidemiological emergency of Covid 19 was presented yesterday in the Chamber of Deputies. lengthy process at the House Social Affairs Committee. Long, but not shared, since the Democratic Party left office after the majority, with the support of Italia Viva, “rejected 105 amendments out of the 109 presented”, as Nicola Stumpo, of the Democratic Party, recalled in the Chamber. But let’s go in order. The commission will have, among others, the following duties: to assess the legitimacy of the state of emergency, to investigate occurrences related to the national pandemic plan, not to update the plan drawn up in 2006, but also to determine whether there was waste, irregularities or infractions in procurement procedures. and in the management of resources destined to contain the virus. To do so, it will have a commission made up of 15 senators and 15 deputies that will guarantee a representative for each existing bench in at least one of the benches of the Parliament. The commission will have a deadline to conclude the work during the XIX legislature. And precisely the «time» of the works was another of the critical elements according to the opposition: «We had written 18 months, but in this initiative, of course, the answer was “no”, because what matters, in this case, is looking through the keyhole and possibly not resolve later issues based on what was».

Not only that, according to Pd, Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra Italiana and Movimento 5 Stelle, the majority, together with Italia Viva, would like to use this commission as a “political club”. For the 5 Star Movement “the majority, with the strength and arrogance of numbers, want to set up a Commission of Inquiry that already contains a written sentence and that intends to be a condemnation of the Conte 2 government and an acquittal of the Presidents of the Region», he wrote in notes Vittoria Baldino, deputy leader of the pentastellati group in the House. and ask for explanations about the failure to update the pandemic plan. This is not a coup d’état, arrogance or institutional spite of the majority. This commission was not requested by the constituted powers, our consciences and the Italians asked for it. The majority of the government expressed his willingness to shed light on a dramatic moment. Did everything go well in managing the pandemic? We think not, we think there are many gray areas that deserve to be explored».

Source: IL Tempo
