The Council of Ministers approved the decree-law on the emergency of bad weather, with ad hoc measures for the floods that hit Emilia Romagna and the Marches. In particular, the Meloni government provided for the suspension of deadlines relating to tax and social security obligations and payments, as well as the suspension of administrative deadlines until August 31st. The rule, reads in the explanatory report on “bad weather”, applies to subjects who on May 4, 2023 had residence or headquarters or operational headquarters in the territories indicated in the annex to the decree-law. For some Municipalities, specific territorial circumscriptions (fractions) affected by flood events were identified. For these areas, the provisions of this article only apply to subjects who claim to have been injured by the events.
In addition, disbursements made by companies to their employees in 2023 for extraordinary needs related to the flood emergency in Emilia Romagna do not contribute to the formation of employee income in the maximum amount of 2,500 euros. If this disbursement exceeds the indicated amount, the excess portion is subject to taxation. As data related to the disbursements in question are not available, for purposes of estimating beneficiaries, the user of additional benefits is used as a proxy for the potential public. Based on the processing carried out in the Single Certification model for the 2021 fiscal year and on workers residing in the municipalities in question, it appears that there were around 141,000 benefit recipients. Prudently assuming that everyone receives a disbursement of 2,500 euros, an eligible amount of 352.5 million euros is estimated. By applying an average marginal rate of 30 percent, Irpef’s annual loss of revenue is estimated at around -105.8 million euros, and -6.2 and -2.3 million euros respectively for the regional and municipal spills.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.