They present warnings about election funding for the 2023 election

The continued heavy reliance on private funds to finance political campaigns tops the list of the five key patterns identified by Transparency for Colombia through the campaign finance alliance for citizen control, which characterized the financing of You are in the presidential days during the year 2022.

According to what was stated by this group, it was found that the 2022 elections reported total revenues of more than $351 billion pesos and expenses of more than $366 billion pesos, according to the information reported by the parties. organizations in the application Cuentas Claras of the National Electoral Council.

Within the patterns, government funding also takes place during the development of the campaigns, it is practically nil taking into account that although Colombia is considering mixed funding of campaigns, barriers have been found during its development to access claims of the state. , such as the requirements for acquiring policies from political organizations and opening a single campaign bank account.

This list adds to the fact that there are still barriers to accessing campaign resources for women’s campaigns, that there is a risk of opacity in campaign revenue and expenditure information, and that the biggest trigger for political campaign spending remains election propaganda, including the rise of social networks that is difficult to control.

Source: El Heraldo
