The Italian government soothes the EU’s nerves in the Pnnr. “We are working seriously to use all of Pnrr’s resources. We undertake to inform the EU Commission about the changes to the reprogramming of funds by the beginning of the summer”, announced Paolo Zangrillo in an interview with La Stampa.
The Minister of Public Administration also commented on the aid package launched by the Government for the areas affected by the floods in Emilia-Romagna and the possible use of Pnrr resources for works to consolidate and prevent extreme meteorological phenomena: “Now we have two billion at stake that constitute a first concrete response. Then it will be necessary to think about reconstruction, all the colleagues who have visited those lands in recent days have taken away the feeling of extraordinary composure and great determination from the population. As for the Pnrr, I think that it cannot be destined for the reconstruction, the plan by its nature is independent of extraordinary events. Resources must be found elsewhere.”
“The Pnrr is a program of extraordinary importance for our country, which we inherited from the previous government – explains Zangrillo -. Due to the new conditions of the context, Minister Fitto with the other ministers is reviewing the plan with a view to giving it a credible content, putting us in a position to use all the resources that Europe makes available to us. There is an ongoing dialogue with Brussels, we are committed to giving the definitive formulation by the beginning of the summer. Next week Fitto will gather the control room and the bilateral meetings with the Regions will begin”. Without delay, the centre-right continues to work to obtain European funds.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.