A few hours after the controversial healthcare reform was approved in the first debate, the reaction of the sector’s trade unions was not long in coming, as they had warned of the consequences from the moment it was proposed for the system currently in force in the country.
According to what was stated by the Association of Health Insurance Management Companies, Gestarsalud, measures remain in place that will affect users of the health system and the entire population, increasing uncertainty about the future of Colombians’ health.
What this association reveals is that the system is fragmented between first level and medium and high complexity, and there is a risk that procedures and delays in the care of users will increase, especially for the more than 8 million with chronic and serious illnesses. cost conditions that have a clear care path today, the same ones that would be lost in the new model.
“The approved articles do not solve the problems of the health system that most affect the population, which are related to the ability to care for specialties and difficulties in accessing services,” the union explains.
In addition, it warns that “the essentially nationalized system will have the management center in the Address, an entity that will take a long time to have sufficient technical and human resources to take on the functions that the EPS performs today: contracting of services with clinics and hospitals, audit services, including checking billing and efficient use of resources”.
Among the new requests that Gestarsalud has presented to the national government, in particular to the minister of this portfolio, Guillermo Jaramillo, takes into account the many voices of civil society and academia who have warned of the implications of this initiative.
Source: El Heraldo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.