The eyes and attention of the national political world are diverted. And they probably will be in a month, too. But the truth is that these are regional elections, so they are an important test. Three candidates vying for the presidency and at least 13 lists on the ground: Given the regional elections to be held at the end of June (votes are held on 25-26) this is the challenge that looms in Molise and there is only one day left. Before the nominations are announced.
Lists are due tomorrow, Friday, May 26, from 8 to 20, and then the next day, Saturday, 27 May, from 8 to 12. There will be a rivalry between the mayors of the two major cities for the position of governor. in the region, Campobasso and Termoli: centre-left focuses on the mayor of the capital, Roberto Gravina (Movimento 5 Stelle), while the centre-right focuses instead on Francesco Roberti (Forza Italia), mayor of Termoli and president of the Province of Campobasso. A third independent candidacy for the presidency has been announced: Emilio Izzo, an extraordinary candidate at the top of the ‘I don’t vote for the usual suspects’ list. Within the last few hours, Izzo reported that he has completed the necessary signature collection process to submit the nomination.
It will be an important test for the Schlein-Conte alliance, which is particularly fragile and has never risen before. Center-left and civilian forces in this region have been in coordination for a long time. Will it be enough to stop the Fratelli d’Italia wave? The centre-right in Molise already rules the region, and it is nothing new that Meloni, Salvini and Berlusconi have shown themselves together in election appointments.
As far as lists are concerned, the little ones remain uncertain and the Third Pole disappears. In the end Gravina should count on 6 entities in its support (Pd, 5 Stars, Sinistra-Verdi, Building Democracy, Socialists and the president’s list), Roberti 7 or 8 (Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Udc, Popolari , Molise che Siamo, Molise in the center, the chairman’s list), Izzo just one (I don’t vote for the usual suspects). Obviously, the last few hours will be decisive for the search for final candidates and whether to approve some lists of smaller political entities.
During 2023, regional elections are expected to be held in 5 regions of Italy (3 by ordinary law and 2 by special law). The centre-right won, as did Lazio and Lombardy (voting on Sunday, February 12 and Monday, February 13) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (voting on Sunday, April 2 and Monday, April 3). Then it will be Molise in the summer and finally Trentino-Alto Adige on Sunday, October 22.
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Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.