Maurizio Gasparri uses irony to comment on the irrevocable dismissal of Lucia Annunziata from Rai. The senator of Forza Italia, who is also a member of the Supervisory Commission of Rai, expressed his amazement at the decision of the presenter of Half an hour in More: “I am surprised by this decision by Lucia Annunziata. After all, she had already resigned many years ago as president of Rai and then returned to the company. We are, therefore, in the second resignation. Fruit of your autonomous choice. Therefore, we look forward to his second return and, if any, third resignation. There are no two without three. And in any case, Annunziata, a proud left-wing militant, will remember what Togliatti said when Elio Vittorini, an important intellectual, left the PCI. The then leader of the Communists said ‘Vittorini has gone and left us alone’. He used an expression in dialect to say that the world goes on. And therefore, Togliatti’s saying will also be valid on this occasion. If we talk about Togliatti – asks Gasparri ironically – we are politically correct, aren’t we?
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.