Rai also splits the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement. In the board of directors, Di Majo, on the part of the M5S, abstained, provoking the irritation of the other opposition forces. “It is not correct to say that the abstention vote in the Di Majo board unlocked the center-right game in Rai’s nominations”, say the pentastellati in Rai Supervision in a note. His abstention is in line with the vote expressed in the previous Board of Directors regarding the new Chief Executive Officer and clearly expresses the will to avoid an a priori confrontation that is harmful to the company and to assess the next moves of the current governance and the government in general”. “We wait for them in the test bench of the company’s next decisions and above all in the perspective of a true reform of the civil service”, defends the thesis.
«I wonder if Elly Schlein, Francesco Boccia and the corner company noticed the expansion of the right-wing majority towards the M5s? Or will they continue to pursue Giuseppe Conte who, according to President Meloni, occupied everything he could “, attacks Napoli, from Action. And Az-Iv’s deputy, Faraone, uses the weapon of irony. «New episode of the epic M5s: the story of the hard fight unleashed by our heroes against the Meloni government. Even Rai fought like lions in the nominations, but in the end they had to give in. He continues… “.
In addition to administrative distances, M5s and Pd also diverge in the square, even if on Saturday there is a demonstration in which dem, pentastellati and Avs unite to raise the minimum wage. Today the president of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, announced a five star demonstration against the government’s labor policies and against precariousness. The event will be held on June 17 in Rome. “The Italians – underlined the former Prime Minister – cannot be poorly paid. We can’t forget the heroes of the pandemic, doctors and health professionals. We need to invest more in health, in our young people who go to school. We’re going to fight all of that.” “Yet they managed to find money for more military supplies, for more weapons and ammunition, to fuel this military escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. Are these the Meloni government policies we want? Obviously not “, he explained in a video in which he “pushes” the prime minister away from the frame. The pentastellati’s aim is to relaunch the struggles of the 5 Star Movement, with Grillo sounding the charge on Tuesday, underlining the need to focus on other issues as well.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.