«It could very well have placed Matteo Messina Denaro directly as president of the Anti-Mafia Commission. Chiara Colosimo’s choice is a bad sign, because her relationship with ex-Nar Luigi Ciavardini, whatever they may be, is serious ». Paolo Bolognesi, president of the association of victims of the Bologna massacre of August 2, 1980, criticized the appointment of Chiara Colosimo to the presidency of the Anti-Mafia Commission. We understand Bolognesi’s bitterness, but the comparison seems a bit risky. Chiara Colosimo is a 36-year-old woman who has been involved in politics since a very young age. So much so that she was elected regional councilor at the age of 32, also becoming president of the council group of the Brothers of Italy. Upon being elected to Montecitorio, she became a member of the 12th Commission on Social Affairs and secretary to the Board of the Chamber.
In short, she is an experienced politician who, like all other parliamentarians, has the right to be elected president of a Commission. About her “uncomfortable” friendships, she herself explained that the offensive photo in which she is portrayed together with the former Nar Luigi Ciavardini. “Ciavardini is not a friend. I met Ciavardini in the context of initiatives with the association run by his wife, in which he was obviously also involved. It was my first term as regional advisor for Lazio 2010-2013. I have no problem declaring art. 27 of the Constitution speaks of the re-educational function of the sentence and the reintegration of prisoners. I was surprised too and I understand that the photo can give the impression of a certain confidence, in fact it is not an institutional pose. I really don’t remember exactly what occasion it was taken, about 10 years have passed. I don’t have that photo, maybe they took it after a fashion show for an association that makes clothes made by prisoners. Anyway, I’m sure it was a public occasion.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.