Taxation, justice, economy and work, Meloni relaunches the action of reforms

From the tax authorities to presidentialism, including the situation in Emilia Romagna. The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, took stock of the work on Palazzo Chigi, indicating the next steps. On the occasion of the Trento Economics Festival, interviewed by journalist Maria Latella, she then spoke about the areas hard hit by the flood: “The wave of bad weather that hit Emilia Romagna was exceptional, in 15 days half of all the rains in a whole year. It’s a serious balance in terms of casualties, evacuees, economic and productive activity on its knees. It is still not possible to calculate the damage, we are going to work on the measures to ask the European Union. The immediate response was given with the Council of Ministers, with the first interventions for more than 2 billion. We work 360 degrees, Emilia Romagna is a locomotive and if it stops we cannot maintain the good economic parameters of Italy, the citizens of the affected areas deserve it”.

The prime minister spoke in particular of tax reform. “The impact of the wedge cut we are doing is different from its predecessors and it is not finished. Reducing labor taxation is a priority, the impact on workers, especially in a period of galloping inflation, is inevitably important. We want to move forward: the first challenge is to structure these measures and expand them even further”. This was stated by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni speaking via video link at the Economy Festival in Trento.

Then the reference to Italy’s international position. «The photo with President Biden? I read all kinds of reconstructions and polemics: it was simply a gesture of human closeness, a normal gesture between two leaders. This photo reveals the total falsity of a narrative made before and after the election campaign, when it was said that with Meloni in Palazzo Chigi and the center-right in government, Italy would be isolated internationally, cornered. After 7 months of government this is not the reality ». The statement was made by the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, speaking at the Trento Economy Festival. “Italy’s posture is serious, where Italy is trustworthy, which does not mean condescension and for that it is respected internationally,” she added.

Source: IL Tempo
