Italy brothers on the rise, PD bogged down. At the end of a busy month of May, Nando Pagnoncelli, president of the Ipsos Institute, photographs the Italians’ satisfaction and a picture of great stability emerges. From search toCorriere della Sera”, it is clear that the work of the Meloni government and the Prime Minister herself is appreciated by the sample interviewed, in fact “there is an increase in both positive and negative judgments, leaving unchanged the approval index of both, which stands at 51 respectively and 53”. It means that a polarization of opinions is confirmed.
As far as voting intentions are concerned, with a view to the 2024 European elections, the Brothers of Italy are firmly in first place with 29.6% and have gained a few decimal places, the Democratic Party is in second place with 20.4% , but loses 0.3%, while the M5S recorded a sharp drop: 15%, ie -1.5 points compared to April. It is the first time that Giuseppe Conte’s party is estimated to have lower figures for the 2022 general elections. Returning to the center right: Lega 8.2% and Forza Italia 7.7%.
For smaller parties, Action is given at 3.5% and Italia Viva at 3%. Pagnoncelli also observes that the share of abstentions and undecided remains high (39.5%), resulting in a clear prevalence of the center-right over the center-left (46.5% to 25.7%). Finally, the approval of the leaders (excluding Meloni for being classified as prime minister, ed). The poll article says: “In first place is a trio represented by Conte, Berlusconi and Schlein, with an approval rating of 31. (…). Salvini follows, stable at 29, and more prominent Lupi (21), Fratoianni (20) and Bonelli (19), then Calenda (17), who recorded the most significant drop, and Renzi (14)”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.