Pnrr, adamant with the Court of Auditors: “A constructive approach is desirable”

Open war between Raffaele Fitto and the Court of Auditors at Pnrr. The Minister for European Affairs, South, Cohesion Policies and Pnrr pointed the finger at the constitutional body with regard to European funds: “The implementation of the Pnrr is a challenge for the whole country, as President Mattarella always reminds us. We need a constructive approach from everyone so that projects are properly implemented and reported. Everyone must proactively contribute to achieving the common objective, that is, fully implement the Plan, modernize the country and make it competitive. That is why we all have to work, especially between institutions, favoring prudence and preventive confrontation. In the coming months, many projects and many interventions will begin and – the onslaught of the exponent of the Brothers from Italy – it would be desirable to have a constructive approach from the Court of Auditors, which could support all matters of implementation in the phase report, of sampling and verification of obtaining results, developing formats, self-control systems that would simplify the tasks of each implementing agency. In this sense, therefore, the controls would not overlap and the system would be able to respond more effectively to European requests. Work together, work constructively, work well»

«With regard to what was determined by the Court of Auditors regarding the temporal profiles of expenditure by the Pnrr – continues the minister in the harsh statement – the following is represented. In the 2021-2022 biennium, the expenses incurred refer mostly to existing project reports, therefore prior to the birth of the Plan, and included in the Pnrr. In particular, automatic tax incentive measures, such as the superbonus and the 4.0 tax credit. Added to this circumstance is the fact that in February 2023, based on Eurostat indications, a new form of reporting was defined for tax credits that have substantially exhausted their financial allocation from the Pnrr. With regard to expenditure for 2023, effective accountability is conditional on the start of work on the approximately 110 billion public works that, according to the Pnrr calendars, will begin during the year 2023. Thus, only after the start of the works it will be possible to report the progress and, therefore, there will be a consequent increase in the expenses effectively incurred. For the other measures in the branch, as expected, the procedures for activating and granting loans are being finalized and also for these interventions – recalls and concludes Fitto – the effective expenditure will be made from the second half of 2023”.

Source: IL Tempo
