Pressure is mounting especially from the Democratic Party and local dem administrators for the president of the Bonaccini region to be chosen as flood commissioner in Emilia-Romagna. The government reiterates that the issue is not on the table, “when the time is right, now we need to address the emergency issue”, stresses Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tajani. “I find the debate on who will be the commissioner not very interesting and not very edifying, I am interested that the money reaches its destination and that it is well and quickly spent”, stresses the person responsible for relations with Parliament, Luca Ciriani, “if you are going to talk about that later. We will deal with this when the CDM officially decides ». The technician’s hypothesis is reinforced (among the names is that of the current head of civil protection Curcio), but in the executive the priority is linked to the allocation of resources. The two billion? “Other interventions will be necessary”, says the Minister of Disability, Locatelli.
The President of the Republic, Mattarella, will visit the areas affected by the bad weather on Tuesday. “Many come to us to ask for help: come on holiday here, there are all the conditions for a great season”, said the president of Emilia-Romagna Bonaccini. But the clash between the political forces also flared up around the Pnrr, given that the half-yearly report with which the government intends to close the ‘1st phase’ of the national recovery and resilience plan reaches Parliament: Minister Fitto has called in recent days to control room for next Wednesday. Ministers sent comments on the critical issues for the mid-year report which will be a sort of ‘due diligence’ on the work done so far, a snapshot of the situation. In the next phase, work on modifying the plan will be concluded with the dicasteries that are sending proposals to the person in charge of the dossier. The executive intends to present a detailed document to the Chambers and, meanwhile, invited all parties involved “to adopt a constructive approach”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.