“Securing Italy is a challenge at the time. Unfortunately, we are paying for decades of failed choices and delays and for the mistaken idea that caring for the territory was not a strategic investment. We need to change the paradigm.” Giorgia Meloni, in an interview with Il Messaggero, launches a clear message about one of the government’s priorities for the coming months. The prime minister assured that the choice of commissioner for the reconstruction of Emilia-Romagna will be considered: “We’re going to assess skills and choose the most appropriate profile.” Notwithstanding the collaboration with Governor Stefano Bonaccini: “Parties are one thing, institutions are another, so it’s a duty to collaborate to solve citizens’ problems. nothing exceptional about what we are doing with President Bonaccini and it surprises me that anyone could think otherwise”. For the flood in Emilia-Romagna “the Government gave an immediate response”, assured Meloni.
“We know that is not enough, and we are already working on the reconstruction measures”, he continued, “no one has a magic wand but the time has come to imagine a completely new model that can make all the administrations involved more responsible and allows the necessary works are carried out with speed and quality. And understand that there are interventions that can no longer be postponed or blocked by bureaucracy or a certain ideological ecology”. For the Prime Minister “in this emergency, excellent signals have also arrived from the productive categories, the unions and the various institutional levels. This is the right path.” «I – Meloni assures everyone – am an extremely concrete person. I am interested in the result, in solving a problem and I listen to those who have good ideas and that goes for all dossiers. Any good proposal sense will always be welcome.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.