A resounding denial of fake news from the left. “Someone says that we are cutting resources to the school, absolutely false. In the budget there have been more resources for schools, we have increased significantly. But even with reference to Pnrr, we never said that we are cutting resources. Are we kidding?”, the intervention of Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara at the League’s political training school in Milan. “Since construction costs have increased by 30% and resources (all of us are going to spend) are the same, it is clear that we must ask the EU commission to consider the objectives achieved even discounting the increase in inflation”, explained the holder of the Mur, emphasizing how costs due to inflation erode resources.
Valditara then sent a message to students preparing to take the final exam after the end of classes: «To the kids who prepare for the final exam in a stressful way, I say that the exam should not be experienced in a traumatic way . The oral test will be an interview in which it will have to be verified not so much the disciplinary preparation in mathematics, but what was absorbed throughout the year, also in relation to future choices».
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.