BOGOTA | The former vice president and natural leader of drastic change, Germán Vargas Lleras assured this Sunday that the red lines of the political parties have blurred in the face of health care reform.
“This week, in flagrant violation of the national constitution, the controversial healthcare reform. As is clear, the red, green and rainbow lines of the Liberal, Green and ‘la U’ parties faded to nothing. A mockery to the public and especially to the supporters of these groups,” the former presidential candidate wrote in his column in El Tiempo.
He added that either the warnings from the director Cesar Gaviria and Dilian Francisca or indiscipline reigned or, what’s worse, everything was a pantomime.
In any case, these parties, together with their allies in the Historical Pact, will have to respond to the country when the collapse of the health systemhe wondered.
and concluded that it was deaf debate, sterile debate, handout fair. And now those responsible for this national tragedy dare to announce their red lines for labor reform. What cynicism, what shamelessness. Who are they trying to fool?”
Source: El Heraldo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.