Flood of Emilia Romagna, Meloni closes the case of the commissioner: “Find the money, not who spends it”

“Let’s see the functions, evaluate the skills and choose the most suitable profile”. To outline the identity of the commissioner who will manage the post-flood reconstruction phase is the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni. The appointment decree is not expected soon, a provision for the improvement of Made in Italy products will go to the Council of Ministers to be held in the coming days (and the appointment of INPS and Inail commissioners should also end up on the government table, to be formalized with the Dpcm by Wednesday, May 31).

At Palazzo Chigi, he takes his time, studying the possible alternatives to the solution that leads to the governor of Emilia Romagna (and chairman of the Democratic Party), Stefano Bonaccini. For Meloni, as reiterated in an interview with Messengerthe priority is to make a global assessment: “My biggest problem is not who is spending the money, but finding it, knowing what to do and understanding what procedures need to be improved to give immediate answers. we will take care of who will be the commissioner”.

The Minister of Civil Protection and Sea Policies, Nello Musumeci, also spoke about the timing and modalities of the choice, according to which only after the passage of the state of emergency (which, however, also extended to some municipalities in the Marches and of Tuscany) will be transferred to the Commissioner’s dossier for reconstruction.

“His identification and appointment are not yet on the agenda”, Musumeci’s line, which however does not coincide with that of the deputy prime minister and infrastructure minister, Matteo Salvini. Incidentally, the secretary of the League, when sharing “Meloni’s reflection” on the need to focus now on raising funds to intervene in areas affected by bad weather, does not relieve the pressure on the commissioner: “The sooner we do it, better. The hope is that it will be indicated quickly. And whatever choice the Prime Minister makes will be good for me and he will have my full support”. on the basis of technical skills, not on the basis of proximity, colors or political sympathies”.

A possible solution could be the one already included in a draft of the Reconstruction Decree released in recent days (which Palazzo Chigi, however, has denied being in the government’s attention) which provides for the task to be carried out by a person equipped “with specific professionalism and managerial competence”.

In short, the option to prevent the issue from igniting the political debate could be left to a third party, a technician alien to the parties. “General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo? I met him as commissioner during the health emergency and he is an absolutely dignified person – admits Salvini at a press point at Bologna City Hall – but I know nothing about him and I don’t comment on anything. I deal with roads and railroads, I do not participate in full names and full names”.

Source: IL Tempo
