Third Pole, Carlo Calenda talks too much and attacks everyone

The last few weeks must have been difficult, or perhaps the under 30 audience of «Azione» and perhaps the professorial vocation that is characteristic of the character, but yesterday Carlo Calenda, speaking to the young people of his party, returned to wearing the well-known dispenser shirt versatile classes. Who scolds against the ministers and the government claiming that yes, contrary to common mortals, there would be a solution to all problems. Starting from one of the main themes of the political confrontation, namely the Pnrr: «The problem that the Government has is that it cannot explain how it wants to do it again. We made him a proposal: restore Industry 4.0 and give that money to entrepreneurs who invest in digital and the environment and hire, at least we don’t throw it away”. And he adds: «We made the law with relative costs so that it was in line with European directives: they did it because otherwise here we talk about everything without ever being able to define anything, the real problem of this country» .

Then he targets individual ministers. Culture owner Gennaro Sangiuliano, for example, and his proposal to give a book to each newborn (perhaps through a voucher, which parents could manage through Spid), to counteract the lack of interest in reading that exists in our Country: «A book for every person who is born? But what kind of thinking is this? – thunders Calenda – An absurd simplification. Giving away a book does not solve the problem of reading. We need culture, but national culture linked to European culture». A somewhat abstract notation, even more so considering that the concept expressed by Sangiuliano had a broader spectrum, also including the role of families and schools. Calenda also opposes the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, for the concept of ethnicity about which much has been discussed in recent weeks: “Lollobrigida has stock in her head if she thinks that Italians can be defined based on ethnicity. Within each of you there is Arab, Norman, European, Mediterranean blood. Do you want to argue, dear sovereigns, about identity? Let’s have a good debate and see who knows the historical and cultural identity of this country, be it you or me».

In reality, the Minister of Agriculture has repeatedly underlined that his reasoning was at a cultural level, but clearly that is not enough for the leader of Azione. Riccardo Zucconi responds from Fratelli d’Italia: «We understand that Carlo Calenda, after the various and numerous brutalizations to which he was subjected by Matteo Renzi, lost some lucidity, but Minister Lollobrigida’s message is clear and absolutely free of racial discrimination: no more exploration, if not, there’s nothing to say, it’s better to be silent”. Now we’re going to be quiet for a bit, because I’m tired too. But deep down it’s all like that, until at a certain point the plan starts to turn around.” And he announces: “From now on, Action will do Action again”. Given past results, perhaps this is not a good premise.

Source: IL Tempo
