Lavoro, Brunetta: “Fully implement Article 1 of the Constitution”

“The democratic nature of our system is measured by its ability to fully implement the provisions of beautiful article 1 of the Constitution: ‘Italy is a democratic republic founded on work’. Indeed, it is precisely the value of work that leads us to the economic and democratic organization of society. The different employment rates by sex, by age group or by geographic area constitute, therefore, an element of imbalance and failure, of injustice and discrimination”.

The statement was made by the president of Cnel, Renato Brunetta, when opening the conference ‘The Currency of the Constitution 75 years later: Work, Economy and the role of Cnel’, promoted by the Tina Anselmi Study Center, Bruno Buozzi Foundation and Dioguardi Foundation, in progress at the Marco Biagi Plenary of the National Council for Economy and Work.

“In all market economies – President Brunetta continued – work is a variable dependent on growth; if a country doesn’t grow, it doesn’t create jobs. It is a theme of competitiveness, transparency, market competition and economic sustainability. Therefore, if we want to be proud of Article 1 of our Constitution, we must ask ourselves if we managed to implement it in all its components”.

“Meeting ourselves in the Marco Biagi Plenary – added the President of Cnel – it is also worth reflecting on another point: is it possible that in this country people who are reformists are killed? I think of Marco Biagi, Massimo D’Antona and Ezio Tarantelli, victims of horrendous and criminal violence. Is it possible to accept it? It is not a normal country that ends up getting used to these barbarities”.

In conclusion, President Brunetta emphasized the role of Cnel, recalling how “the constituents clearly saw the need to identify in Cnel the place to reconcile conflicts efficiently, to summarize the opinions of the social, economic. Here is the Cnel”.

Source: IL Tempo
