Government wants to free Pnrr from SAI control

“The conflict escalates, I challenge everyone to come up with a single word on the position of the government and even in my statement against the SAI. I would never have done that and no one did”. These are the words spoken by the Minister for European Affairs, South, Cohesion Policy and Raffaele Fitto on behalf of Pnrr, at the press conference at the end of the control room, to show the semi-annual report on the state of implementation of the program. The National Improvement Plan and Resilience comes a few hours after the government submitted the anticipated amendment to the Public Administration decree to Parliament in the Court of Accounts’ Labor and Constitutional Affairs committees.

The executive is extending the so-called tax shield from 30 June 2023 to 30 June 2024, which limits the possibility of appealing tax losses to only some of the more relevant cases and excludes the SAI from “accompanying audit”. Accompanying control over Pnrr is that, by law, it can be requested by parliamentary commissions. A meeting between the Government and the Court should be held on 1 June at Palazzo Chigi.

With harsh criticism coming from the opposition, he will appeal to Parliament Speaker Lorenzo Fontana. The introduction of the amendment was met with protests from members of the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement. In particular, Walter Rizzetto, chairman of the Labor Commission, said that the amendment was acceptable because the Court of Accounts was “an organ of public administration”, while underscoring how opposition really was, as Alfonso Colucci (M5s) explained. an independent court. The other disagreement concerns the content of the change, which Federico Fornaro says is “worth a decree on its own” and cannot be addressed in a matter of minutes, such as any change “related to stabilizing certain unstable situations.” Arthur Scott.

Source: Today IT
