Survey Swg, Pd and M5s go down. Forza Italia flies to Mentana

It’s a honeymoon between the Brothers of Italy and the Italians who voted for Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s party, while it’s a bittersweet one between the Democratic Party and potential voters. According to the usual weekly SWG poll for Tg La7, on Monday, June 5th, the FdI doesn’t come out half a point on the street and remains unchanged at 29.1% in voting intentions.

On the other hand, a defeat for the party led by Elly Schlein which drops from 21 to 20.4% (-0.6%). A number that confirms the results of the recent municipal elections. Even Giuseppe Conte’s M5S is not in excellent health: 16.1%, ie less than 0.2 compared to 7 days ago. Returning to the center right, Liga drops to 9%, but Forza Italia grows decisively. Among the main parties, it is the only one to gain if we go to vote today: 7% (+0.4). Carlo Calenda’s share drops to 3.8%, worse for Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi’s former ally, who drops to 2.7%. The Greens and the Italian Left gained strength: from 3.4% to 3.6% (+0.2). As for the rest: +Europe stationary at 2.4%, Italy with Paragone 2.2% (+0.2), Unione Popolare 1.5 (+0.1) and finally Maurizio Lupi’s Noi Moderati stable at 1%.

Source: IL Tempo
