After meeting the requirements to obtain the approval, the Green Alliance Party granted the “Green Seal” to the candidate for governor of the Atlantic, Alfredo Varela De la Rosa, ahead of the election contest on October 29.
According to this group’s order, it is established that “those who are endorsed by the Green Alliance Party undertake to incorporate and apply the postulates of the ‘Green Seal’ in their government and management program, and to implement them during their term to practice “.
Alfredo Varela explained in dialogue with EL HERALDO that his proposal is based on active participation and that they stay away from the discussion of radical polarization, which is why he has had several conversations with different political currents.
“Atlántico needs to move forward and seek consensus, move to new leadership, seek and train new leadership, be more open, innovate with new goals and all of that is summed up in being able to generate much more well-being for the families of this department so that they can stay advance”, be the candidate for governor of the Atlantic.
Source: El Heraldo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.