Cartabianca, surreal Schlein: “The elections? We don’t have weight alone”

A scant consolation for Elly Schlein, the expressed during Cartabianca, on Rai3. “We lost the administrations, especially the polls, but we didn’t lose alone. The Democratic Party is committed to building a credible alternative without presumptions of self-sufficiency…”, says the secretary of the Democratic Party. Work in the alternative? “We will continue to do so. Alternative forces on the right have a responsibility to work together,” Schlein said. In short, the construction site is reopening with the 5 Star Movement, which in the latest polls has again gnawed at the consensus quotas for the dem.

Among the various opposition forces “there are many points in common, it takes time, if we hope that everyone likes it is difficult. But we continue in the effort to be united. I am available, if we want to meet and give each other an appointment, let’s go meet to understand at what points we can unite efforts in the differences”, is the appeal of Schlein, guest of Bianca Berlinguer.

For the rest, the secretary of the dem fires nothing against the government and premier Giorgia Meloni: Let’s not fall into the trap of the right because victimization was the political figure of Giorgia Meloni and today has led him to be almost a victimization of the state. I don’t understand why this government takes it out on those who disagree, targeting intellectuals and opposition parties.” the Democratic Party, who had spoken of a government problematic with dissent. “, responds Schlein. It is a pity in Roccella’s case that freedom of dissent has become de facto censorship.

Source: IL Tempo
